sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Chocolate Cuccake

"Mah Oê! Who wants money?" (My imitation from Silvio Santos).
A lot of things changed in Blogspot since i stopped to post in my blog. Now, is most beatiful.
Here is my recipe from chocolate cupcake.

Chocolate Cupcake

# 1 cup of chocolate
# 1 cup milk
# 2 cups sugar
# 3 cups flour
# 3 / 4 cup oil
# 1 tablespoon baking powder
# 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
# 2 eggs

1 -  In a bowl place the chocolate, flour and sugar.
2 -  Then add the milk gradually (when mixing), oil, eggs, vanilla extract (and recall that is optional) and yeast (no need to save in yeast, but not abuse it).
3 - The dough has to be a little thicker, since this is done without the form of aluminum, only the paper.
4 -  Pour into paper with a small shell, between 1.5 and 2 cm of shape, because the pie will grow.
5 -  Put on a form, let them away by 2 cm.
6 -  After put them in a preheated oven at 130 ° C.


Silvio Santos: Apresentador, empresário e caloteiro brasileiro.
Tablespoon baking powder: Colher de sopa de fermento em pó.
Dough: Massa.

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