terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011


Hello! Let's drink a Caipirinha?This is a very popular Brazilian drink in the world and it's very simple to make.
It is found in bars and restaurants.
It is a drink with alcohol, only to consenting adults. (HAHAHA)

Ingredients:1 lime quartered1 tablespoon of sugar1 shot of cachaça1/2 cup of ice cubes with water
Directions:Place the lime and sugar in the bottom of a glass.Using the handle of a wooden spoon, crush and mash the limes.Pour the liqueur and ice. Stir well.
Serve:This is a summer drink to appreciate before eating.Decore the glass with a slice of lime.Great with Brazilian barbecues.Delicious!

Vocabulary:- quartered: cortado "em cruz" tablespoon: colher de sopa- shot: dose- bottom: fundo- glass: copo- handle: cabo- wooden spoon: colher de madeira (colher de pau)- crush: esmagar- slice: fatia- barbecues: churrasco
By: Debora Alves

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