sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Hungry Jack's Pancakes

heeeeeey, guys! i'm gonna teach you how to make pancakes today (:
"Hungry Jack" is the brand of a famous pancake mix in the USA. I just looooove it, seriously.. HAHAHAHA for me it's like their slogan says: "Everybody is happy when it's Hungry Jack".
The recipe is a picture of Hungry Jack's box, and you need to buy the mix to make the pancakes . ok?
hope you like it..

This is the front side of the box..
 (Look at those pancakes, really tasty!!)

These are the ingredients.. the "basic recipe"..
(in spanish too, haha)

These are the Directions to make it, objective and clear!
(I prefer it this way.. it's easy to follow while cooking..)

have you noticed that you can make as much as you want to eat? it's another fine thing that I saw..

- SKILLET: "frigideira"
- ELECTRIC GRIDDLE: "grelha elétrica"
- GREASE: "graxa" but in this case, it means "unte"
- STIR: "mexa"
- LUMPS: "caroços"
- LUMPY: in this case it can be understood as "irregular"
- BATTER: "massa"

so, that's it. any doubt you can ask me.. hope you get happy to eat it as I do :)

by:  Laura Reis

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